NanoVi® Technology for Cognitive Function

  • Plaques and tangles formed by misfolded proteins are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
  • NanoVi technology is specifically designed to improve protein folding and function.
  • Research confirms that damaged proteins regain significantly more of their function when treated with NanoVi verses a placebo device

Oxidative stress is unavoidable so preventing and repairing oxidative stress damage quickly has a big impact on both physical and mental performance. The faster you repair oxidative damage, the better your brain functions. Because all repair work is done by proteins, improving protein activities promotes long-term wellbeing. When proteins themselves are damaged, their repair work is inhibited. Making things worse, damaged proteins can misfold and become stuck together causing additional damage.

NanoVi is widely used for repair and regeneration, it is easy to experience the benefits in your home or center.

How NanoVi® Works
This short video shows what NanoVi does and how it supports protein folding and stability.

Proteins and NanoVi®
Proteins are the real workhorses of our cells. They are responsible for everything from controlling biochemical reactions to forming cell structures and sending and receiving cellular signals. When a protein is synthesized, it emerges as a long, unwound strand of amino acids. To gain its designed function, the amino acid chain must fold into the correct three-dimensional shape. The cellular water plays and essential role in the protein folding process. NanoVi is used to improve the watery environment for all proteins so they can fold more readily. Boosting protein folding and stability helps:

  • new proteins fold into their functional shapes
  • damaged proteins recover from oxidative attacks

When a protein is attacked by free radicals, it can unfold and lose its function. Oxidative damage is ongoing so there is a constant need for repair. Our approach with NanoVi is to support this repair, and all other protein activities, by influencing the cellular water in which all proteins are immersed. More detail about protein activities and Alzheimer’s is described in Eng3s e-book.

Experiences and Results:

Luis Martinez

“I’ve done about 300 stem cell procedures with the NanoVi and many more without it, and I’ve noticed a profound difference between the two groups, especially in the time it takes to observe a therapeutic response. NanoVi-treated patients see faster, more consistent results. And even without stem cell treatment, my patients report significant benefits using the NanoVi – increased focus, energy, general wellbeing, and so on.”
–Luis Martinez MD, MD, MPH at the Xano Gene Clinic, Anti-Aging, Health & Wellness Center

Jim Kwik

“Your brain uses more energy than any other organ, accounting for up to 20 percent of your body’s total usage. When you push your brain to the max every single day—as high-achievers like you and I do—you can experience greater levels of stress and long-term decline. In fact, studies have shown that oxidative stress is a leading cause of brain aging, which over time, can play a role in lower mental performance and even memory loss. That’s why I’m so excited about a game-changing technology I was recently introduced to, called NanoVi®. It’s one of THE most powerful ways to counter oxidative stress and reduced protein (including DNA) function—which can take a major toll on your brain performance and health.”
-Jim Kwik, CEO of Kwik Learning, memory & speed-reading specialist, speaker, Kwik Brain podcast host


“NanoVi® is an effective way to help people regenerate, repair and recover. It fits perfectly with our vision of an advanced health center, focused on measuring and improving cellular health… After several sessions with the NanoVi®, guests’ oxidative stress and overall well-being is improved. They say things like “after the session I feel more energized and refreshed” or “it makes me calm and relaxed”.”
–Nino Nakashidze, MD, BIOLI Medical Wellness Resort

Dave Asprey

“At 40 years of Zen, which is my big 5-day intense brain training session, we use the NanoVi. People are breathing the structured water vapor from NanoVi while they are doing our most performance enhancing cap training. It’s sort of like when you take your car into the racing mechanic and they do the heaviest duty tuning… ”
–Dave Asprey, Bulletproof Founder, best-selling author, and podcaster

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